Political Reform Chautauqua to be held in Menomonie Sept. 7-8th

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Contact: Jim Crist, 608-274-6201, jim.crist@unitedtoamend.org

Political Reform Chautauqua to be held in Menomonie Sept. 7-8th

Madison, WI (August 19, 2019) – There will be a Political Reform Chautauqua, September 7-8th at the Dunn County Historical Society, 1820 Wakanda Street Northeast, Menomonie, WI.

Speakers include former Sen. Dale SchultzMatt Rothschild of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Mike McCabe from Blue Jean Nation, Sachin Chheda on Fair Maps, Lena and Rich Eng from Represent Us, and George Penn of Wisconsin United To Amend.

A new reform movement has been building since the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision, which triggered unlimited corporate spending in our elections.  Nationwide, twenty states and over 800 communities, including 144 in Wisconsin have called for a constitutional amendment that would clarify that only real people should have constitutional rights and that money is not the same thing as free speech.  In addition, 47 of 72 counties in Wisconsin have called for nonpartisan redistricting, which would end political gerrymandering.

The 21st Century Political  Reform Chautauqua will bring together reformers from across the state.  “It’s time to put patriotism before politics,” stated former state senator, Dale Schultz. “In all my years in government,  I have never seen such enthusiasm for reform.”

“The Chautauqua will galvanize a cross-partisan effort,” added Represent Us volunteer leader, Lena Eng. “It is a game-changer to bring hope to Wisconsinites disgusted by our broken political system.”

Wisconsin United to Amend leader, George Penn summed it up: “This is our moment in history to restore civility and representation to our corrupt political system.  Our politicians won’t stem this flow of campaign cash on their own.  We The People have to build a movement and force them to act.” 

To register, visit EventBrite.com and search for “21st Century Wisconsin Political Reform Chautauqua” or visit:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/21st-century-wisconsin-political-reform-chautauqua-tickets-62148252095.

United To Amend is a cross-partisan, all volunteer, citizens group.

Photos: photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4, photo5, photo6, photo7 and photo8.

Link to this press release.