The National 28th Amendment Roadshow is Coming to Madison!
Never before in the history of the United States has our system been so openly corrupted by big money. Our democracy has been overtaken by monied interests who have bought favor with politicians, putting up huge roadblocks to any legislation that benefits average Americans. But all over the country people are fighting back and demanding change.
Now is the time to take our government back!
- Over 80% of Americans support a constitutional amendment.
- Over 140 groups are working to GET THE MONEY OUT of politics.
- 16 states and almost 600 cities have called for a constitutional amendment.
- The 113th Congress proposed 14 amendments.
- Over 150 members of Congress support a constitutional amendment.
Please join us on Saturday, Sept 6, when the “28th Amendment National Roadshow” comes to the Marquee Theater at Union South on the UW Madison campus (map). This event is being organized by the national Money Out, Voters In (MOVI) organization, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Money Out Voters In Coalition.
At the roadshow, amendment movement leaders and money in politics experts will lead a discussion on the need for a constitutional amendment to abolish corporate personhood, end the notion that money is speech and discuss how we can move forward from here.
A $5 donation is requested to participate in the conference. Click here to RSVP now!
The “National Roadshow” is endorsed by Move To Amend and other groups that are working across the country to pass an amendment.
The conference will be taking place Saturday, Sept 6 from 10AM-1PM, and includes a free screening of PAY 2 PLAY: DEMOCRACY’S HIGH STAKES at 2PM.
The day is scheduled so that people can come for the morning session, the afternoon session, or for a full day. Click here for more information and to RSVP! This will be major event with a full day of speakers and opportunities to network amongst activists who care about this issue.
We hope to see you there!