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- A Democratic Formula for Success - On the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderate — by Jim Crist, Wisconsin United To Amend I’ve read a lot of articles about why the Democratic Party lost the election. The list is long and varied: Biden did a poor job controlling the southern border and got saddled with the post pandemic
- SJR 121 – urging support for a constitutional amendment - Wisconsinites are tired of the corruptive influence money has on our campaigns and elections. Elite out-of-state donors, foreign governments, dark money, and special interests are taking away our voices. A new, bipartisan resolution has just been introduced into the Wisconsin Senate that would help to restore integrity to American elections! With SJR 121, we can send a clear message that the people of
- 14th Anniversary of the Disastrous Citizens United Decision - This is the 14th anniversary of the disastrous Citizens United decision by an elitist Supreme Court, which over the last 135+ years has twisted our Constitution into a pretzel. The word ‘people’ now means corporate Super PACs and the word ‘free speech’ now means billions of dollars in campaign cash. Billionaires and gigantic corporations get whatever they want, and everyday Americans get
- City of Viroqua Votes to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, City of Viroqua Votes to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (April 4, 2023) – In the April election, Wisconsin residents in the city of Viroqua in Vernon County voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same
- Bartelme Votes to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Bartelme Votes to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (November 9, 2022) – In the November election, Wisconsin residents in the town of Bartelme in Shawano County voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same thing as
- America’s Core Problem…Money in Politics - by Jim Crist, Wisconsin United to Amend There is no shortage of problems in America. If you’re focused on fixing any one of those problems, thank you! And yes, there are deep rooted social issues such as racism and other forms of discrimination, plus religious intolerance that won’t be fixed by limiting Money in Politics. But if we had a
- “For the People Act” Explained - You’ve probably heard something about the “Voting rights bill” that the Democrats passed in the House. The Senate is about to take it up. What’s in it and what are some of the myths that are now being leveled against it? The bill that the House passed is H.R.1 “For the People Act”. It passed along strict party lines. In
- Two More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Two More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (November 5, 2020) – In the November election, Wisconsin residents in two communities voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same thing as free speech. The
- Money in Politics Tops List of Voter Concerns - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Crist, 608-274-6201, Money in Politics Tops List of Voter Concerns Madison, WI (October 16, 2020) – Numerous polls show that government corruption is the top issue on the minds of voters.[1] Over 90% of Americans think special interest money has too much influence in American political campaigns.[2] It’s no surprise that Americans’ job approval
- Lafayette County Board Votes to Support Constitutional Amendment - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Lafayette County Board Votes to Support Constitutional Amendment Darlington, WI (May 19, 2020) – On Tuesday, May 19th, the Lafayette Board of Supervisors voted unanimously for a resolution that supports an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment would overturn the Supreme Court decision, Citizens United v. FEC, so that limits could
- Seventeen More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Seventeen More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (April 14, 2020) – In the April election, Wisconsin residents in seventeen communities voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same thing as free speech. All
- Seventeen Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Seventeen Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests Madison, WI (March 24, 2020) – On Tuesday, April 7th, Wisconsin residents in Seventeen communities will vote on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only humans should have constitutional rights and that money is not the same as speech
- Political Reform Chautauqua to be held in Menomonie Sept. 7-8th - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Crist, 608-274-6201, Political Reform Chautauqua to be held in Menomonie Sept. 7-8th Madison, WI (August 19, 2019) – There will be a Political Reform Chautauqua, September 7-8th at the Dunn County Historical Society, 1820 Wakanda Street Northeast, Menomonie, WI. Speakers include former Sen. Dale Schultz, Matt Rothschild of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Mike McCabe from Blue Jean Nation, Sachin Chheda on
- Subeck, Hansen Push Referendum to Overturn Citizens United - For Immediate Release: January 16, 2019 For more information, contact: Jim Crist, (608) 274-6201, Matt Rothschild, (608) 255-4260, Subeck, Hansen Push Referendum to Overturn Citizens UnitedPress Conference Jan. 22 at 10:00 a.m. in State Capitol MADISON—On Tuesday, January 22, Rep. Lisa Subeck (D-Madison) and Sen. Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) will be holding a press conference to unveil their
- Nine More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Nine More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (November 7, 2018) – On Tuesday, November 6th, Wisconsin residents in nine communities voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same thing as free speech. All
- Nine Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Nine Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests Madison, WI (October 22, 2018) – On Tuesday, November 6th, Wisconsin residents in nine communities will vote on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only humans should have constitutional rights and that money is not the same as speech
- Money in Politics Tops List of Voter Concerns - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Crist, 608-274-6201, Money in Politics Tops List of Voter Concerns Madison, WI (October 15, 2018) – Three recent polls show that government corruption is the top issue on the minds of voters.[1] Over 90% of Americans think special interest money has too much influence in American political campaigns.[2] It’s no surprise that Americans’ job
- Door County Board & Town of Gardner Support Call for Statewide Referendum - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 19, 2018 Contact: Dan Powers Sturgeon Bay; 743-6796 On Tuesday, April 17th, by a vote of 19-2, the Door County Board of Supervisors passed Resolution 2018-33: “Supporting a Constitutional Amendment to Allow Limits on Campaign Contributions & Conducting a Non-Binding Statewide Referendum”. The bill for a statewide referendum is currently stuck in both houses of
- Nine More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Nine More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (April 4, 2018) – On Tuesday, April 3rd, Wisconsin residents in nine communities voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same thing as free speech. All
- Nine Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Nine Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests Madison, WI (March 21, 2018) – On Tuesday, April 3rd, Wisconsin residents in nine communities will vote on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only humans should have constitutional rights and that money is not the same as speech
- Democrats call for hearing on proposed Citizens United resolution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Democrats call for hearing on proposed Citizens United resolution Madison, WI (October 10, 2017) – On Tuesday, Committee Chairperson, Rep Scott Allen (R-Waukesha), refused a request to have a statewide advisory referendum question placed on the public hearing agenda. The referendum would ask voters whether they support a constitutional amendment which would
- Two More Door County Towns Call for a Statewide Referendum to give Voters a voice on Campaign Finance Limits - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dan Powers 345 W. Redwood Place, Sturgeon Bay (743-6796 or 495-2343) Two More Door County Towns Call for a Statewide Referendum to give Voters a voice on Campaign Finance Limits On June 12th, the Town of Baileys Harbor unanimously approved a Resolution, “Supporting a Constitutional Amendment to allow Limits on Campaign Contributions and Conducting a Non-Binding
- Citizens United Advisory Referendum Introduced - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Crist, 608-274-6201, Citizens United Advisory Referendum Introduced Rep. Subeck, Sen. Hansen back giving voters a voice MADISON — On Wednesday, April 19th, two lawmakers introduced resolutions that would create a Citizens United advisory referendum asking voters if they support putting limits on the corrupting influence big money has in political campaigns. The Money Out,
- Citizens United Advisory Referendum to be Introduced - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Crist, 608-274-6201, Citizens United Advisory Referendum to be Introduced Rep. Subeck, Sen. Hansen back giving voters a voice MADISON — On Wednesday, April 19th, two lawmakers will introduce resolutions that would create a Citizens United advisory referendum asking voters if they support putting limits on the corrupting influence big money has in political campaigns.
- Eight More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Eight More Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (April 5, 2017) – On Tuesday, April 4th, Wisconsin residents in eight communities voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same thing as free speech. All
- Nine Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Nine Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Moneyed Interests Madison, WI (March 27, 2017) – On Tuesday, April 4th, Wisconsin residents in nine communities will vote on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only humans should have constitutional rights and that money is not the same as speech
- Eighteen Communities Voted to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Eighteen Communities Voted to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (November 9, 2016) – On Tuesday, November 8th, Wisconsin residents in eighteen communities voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that only human beings should have inalienable human rights and money is not the same thing as free speech. All referenda
- Eighteen Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Special Interests - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Eighteen Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Special Interests Madison, WI (October 24, 2016) – On Tuesday, November 8th, Wisconsin residents in nineteen communities will vote on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to make clear that: a corporation is not a person, and money is not speech. Voters will cast
- Lopsided Results in Candidate Survey on Citizens United - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Crist, 608-274-6201, Lopsided Results in Candidate Survey on Money in Politics Madison, WI (October 13, 2016) – One of the top issues this election cycle is money in politics. Americans’ job approval rating for Congress hovers near single digits. Over 90% of Americans think special interest money has too much influence in American political
- Mt. Pleasant Town Board Votes to Return the Constitution Back to “We The People” - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mt. Pleasant Town Board Votes to Return the Constitution Back to “We The People” Town of Mt. Pleasant, Green County, Wisconsin becomes seventh community in county to pass a resolution declaring that money is not speech and corporations are not people. At the May 16th town meeting, last Monday night, after several presentations by United To Amend
- Eleven Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Eleven Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (April 6, 2016) – On Tuesday, April 5th, Wisconsin residents in eleven communities voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to make clear that: a corporation is not a person, and money is not speech. Eleven referenda passed with very solid majorities: Janesville
- Eleven Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Special Interests - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, Eleven Communities to Vote to Reclaim Democracy from Special Interests Madison, WI (March 31, 2016) – On Tuesday, April 5th, Wisconsin residents in eleven communities will vote on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to make clear that: a corporation is not a person, and money is not speech. Voters will cast
- Meet at the Capitol and Help Get the Big Money Out of Politics! - Assemble for Redress of Grievances Thursday January 21, 10 to noon North Hearing Room on the 2nd floor of the State Capitol Citizens across the State of Wisconsin want to get big money (especially big dark money) out of politics, but the state Legislature continues to ignore widespread and overwhelming calls for a Constitutional amendment to fix the problem. This
- More Bad-Government Bills Introduced in Wisconsin - A series of bad-government bills have just been introduced into our state legislature, which would enable more and more corruption in Wisconsin. Legalized bribery via campaign donations would be easier than ever. Other proposed bills would gut the GAB, which would aid in avoiding any repercussions for bad behavior. We must stand up and fight for what is right! Please
- Citizen Groups Form Alliance to Fight Corruption and Rescue Democracy - Three Wisconsin-based democracy reform groups – the Wisconsin Grassroots Network, Wisconsin United to Amend and Blue Jean Nation – announced the establishment of a partnership to maximize their collective impact. “Separately, each of our groups possesses valuable assets and makes a difference,” said Mike McCabe, founder and president of Blue Jean Nation. “Together, our strength can be greater than the
- Three More Wisconsin Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436 / Three More Wisconsin Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (April 8, 2015) On Tuesday, April 7th, three communities voted in favor of amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that money is not speech and that only real people should have inalienable Constitutional rights. This would reverse
- Press Release: 5th Anniversary of Citizens United - PRESS RELEASE for Wednesday, January 21, 2015 To mark the 5th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s highly controversial 2010 Citizens United decision, Money Out, Voters In Wisconsin (MOVI) is holding a press conference at 9:00am in the Assembly Parlor Room, at the Wisconsin State Capitol. Following the press conference, MOVI supporters plan to meet with representatives at the Capitol. Five
- Unhappy 5th Birthday, Citizens United! - The 5th anniversary of the disastrous Citizens United decision is this Wednesday, January 21st. United To Amend and Money Out, Voters In Wisconsin has a full day of events planned. Please Join Us!! 8:45 AM – Lobby Day Activist Training @ WISPIRG, 122 State Street, 5th Floor, Madison (map). 9:00 AM – Press Conference – Assembly Gallery Room, Wisconsin State
- Twelve Wisconsin Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436 / Twelve Wisconsin Communities Vote to Amend the U.S. Constitution Madison, WI (November 5, 2014) – On Tuesday, November 4th, twelve communities voted in favor of amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that money is not speech and that only real people should have inalienable Constitutional rights. This would reverse the
- A Dozen Communities to Vote on a U.S. Constitutional Amendment Question - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436, A Dozen Communities to Vote on a U.S. Constitutional Amendment Question Madison, WI (October 27, 2014) – On Tuesday, November 4th, Wisconsin residents in twelve communities will vote on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to make clear that: a corporation is not a person, and money is not speech. Voters will