Please Come to our Madison Garage Sale Fundraiser!
Dear Movers,
On Friday, June 5 (8:00 am to 4:00 pm) and Saturday, June 6 (8:00 am to Noon), the South Central Wisconsin Move To Amend group is having a garage sale as a fundraiser. We have a garage full of a great selection of items: exercise bench, bike and kayak carriers, clothing, sports gear, many books, housewares, electronics and more. Priced to sell!
This sale is at 1817 Sheridan Drive (map) on the north side of Madison. From downtown take Sherman Ave going north. At the stop light at Mac Pherson, go left/west all the way to the end which is Sheridan Dr. Go right to the big white tent. That’s us. Doing our part to save democracy, so please stop by and buy! We end at 4 on Friday and noon on Saturday. It would be great to see you there!