More Bad-Government Bills Introduced in Wisconsin
A series of bad-government bills have just been introduced into our state legislature, which would enable more and more corruption in Wisconsin. Legalized bribery via campaign donations would be easier than ever. Other proposed bills would gut the GAB, which would aid in avoiding any repercussions for bad behavior. We must stand up and fight for what is right! Please call, write, email and meet with any and all representatives you possibly can. For some background information, please read articles HERE and HERE.
Thanks to WI Voices for the following information:
The Campaign Finance bills are SB 292 and AB 387. The GAB Bill has been assigned numbers (AB 388 and SB 294) and hearings on the bills have been set for Tuesday, October 13th at 9 am. Please continue your support against these changes helping us with the following:
Join us for our press conference
** Because we have so many people coming to the hearing tomorrow, we are NOT going to have a press conference tomorrow. Instead, everyone should go directly to the hearing at 412 East and members of the coalition will be available outside of the hearing to answer media questions. Peter Skopec from WISPIRG and Jay Heck from Common Cause will answer questions about the GAB and Campaign Finance bills, and Colleen Gruszynski from WI Voices can take questions about the online and SRD bill.
Please come to the Hearing
The Senate Committee on Elections and Local Government will have a hearing at 9 am Tuesday, October 13th at 412 East in the Capitol. The GAB, Campaign Finance and Elections Technology Bill will all be discussed.
Please spread the word!
Here is some sample language you can use for turnout:
“Hi, this is __ from ____. As you’ve seen in the media, the Republicans are trying to fast track legislation that would remove our rights to know who is spending money on elections and would cause less oversight over politicians. Would you be able to join us on Tuesday at 9 am for the hearing?”
Please call, write, email and meet with your legislators
Please make sure you and your friends are calling their legislators. A sample script could look like:
“Hi, my name is _____. SB 292 and AB 387 takes away my right to know who is spending money in politics and no longer states that campaign finance laws should serve the public, not politicians. SB 294 and AB 388 guts our ability to make sure you are obeying the rules. As your constituent, I have the right to know who is spending money on your elections and not have election officials that are in the pocket of legislators. Vote no on SB 292/AB 387 and SB 294/AB 388.”
Keep the pressure up online
Please use the #SavetheGAB. Here is a Facebook meme Common Cause created.
Register Against the GAB Bill
Please register against the GAB Bill (AB 388 and SB 294).
Let us know if you have more questions. Thanks!
Colleen Gruszynski
WI Voices-Data and Targeting Manager