Democrats call for hearing on proposed Citizens United resolution
Contact: George Penn, 608-244-6436,
Democrats call for hearing on proposed Citizens United resolution
Madison, WI (October 10, 2017) – On Tuesday, Committee Chairperson, Rep Scott Allen (R-Waukesha), refused a request to have a statewide advisory referendum question placed on the public hearing agenda. The referendum would ask voters whether they support a constitutional amendment which would overturn Citizens United, the controversial Supreme Court decision that led to unlimited and in many cases undisclosed campaign contributions. Rep. Allen called this request for a public hearing “politics at its worst.”
“This is a cross-partisan issue”, contends Jim Crist, co-chair of United To Amend. “There are plenty of billionaires on both sides of the aisle. Both parties are raking in campaign cash. While many politicians may like this crony capitalism, the rest of America is disgusted by it.”
Here in Wisconsin, 115 communities have called for an amendment to overturn Citizens United. Almost half of Wisconsinites live in jurisdictions that have voted for this and the Yes votes are in the 80-90% range. Across America, 19 state legislatures have voted for an amendment, as well as about 750 towns, villages, cities and counties.
These resolutions (AJR 53 / SJR 54) were introduced by Representative Lisa Subeck (D-Madison) and Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay). Polls show a vast majority of Americans view our election system as corrupt. Special interest money has enormous political influence and everyday citizens feel they are getting no representation.
“It is stunning that Republican Representative Scott Allen considers giving the average Wisconsinite the opportunity to have their say at the ballot box to be ‘politics at its worst,’” said Rep. Subeck. “Wisconsinites are fed up with the massive corporate and special interest spending Citizens United has ushered into our elections, and it is time to let them be heard.”
Matt Rothschild, executive director of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, summed it up succinctly: “People across the ideological spectrum get it: All of our voices are being drowned out by those with big money.”
United To Amend is a non-partisan, all volunteer citizens group. For more information visit
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