Rib Mountain


Vote on Nov 6th to Reclaim Our Republic

There will be an important referendum on the November ballot, asking the citizens of Rib Mountain what they think about Money In Politics.  Polls show that corruption in government is the top issue in politics today.[1]  Americans understand that our political system is dysfunctional and a whopping 96% think that money in politics is at least somewhat to blame.[2]  Our elections are more like auctions.  People just don’t feel like they’re being represented by their elected officials, because, well, they’re not being represented.[3]

Most people blame government, Congress or politicians in general.  But the Supreme Court has been slowly yielding to corporate pressure for over 130 years.  The Supreme Court has given constitutional rights meant only for individuals to artificial entities such as corporations, unions and super PACs, and has ruled that money spent to influence the political process cannot be limited.

A movement is building to Reclaim Our Republic.  Twenty states and over 820 communities have called for a Constitutional amendment which would clarify that only humans should have human rights and that free spending is not the same as free speech.

Here in Wisconsin, United To Amend has helped over 160 communities (56% of Wisconsinites) call for this amendment.  We are a non-partisan, all volunteer citizens group.  Please help by signing our Petition.  We’ll send you monthly updates on how you can help (no more than one email per month).

[1] America’s Top Fears: Money In Politics Polls
[2] Dysfunctional Government: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/national/democracy-poll/
[3] Gilens and Page Research: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1537592714001595